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The Traditional Cultural Program has four main functions within the NNH&HPD. 

1). Consultation under Archaeological Resources Protection Act (ARPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) and the Navajo Nation Cultural Resources Protection Act (NNCRPA) laws to support the goals of the Heritage and Historic Preservation Department by consulting with the Navajo people, which includes the hataalii (practitioners), other knowledgeable Navajo people and the Hataalii Advisory Council, to ensure that Navajo values and traditions guide the Department’s policies, procedures and activities for preservation and protection. TCP also consults with federal and state agencies regarding the protection and preservation of the natural and cultural resources.

2). TCP takes the lead role in repatriation.

3). TCP accepts “Jish” from the Navajo public, which are no longer used and cared for due to loss or age of hataalii (practitioners) or for any other reason for final disposition.

4). TCP provides community education to the general public such as chapters, schools, and the NNH&HPD staff on cultural issues, federal and Navajo Nation laws affecting historic preservation.


Contact Information

Navajo Heritage & Historic Preservation Department
Navajo Boulevard, W008-247, Building 4
P.O. Box 4950
Window Rock, Arizona  86515
Phone:    928.871.7198/7139
Fax:       928.871.7886
Copyright 2025 by Heritage & Historic Preservation Department
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