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Vision Statement

Protecting, Maintaining, and Balancing Navajo Cultural Heritage in a Changing World.

Mission Statement

From time immemorial, the Nihookaa’ Dine’e Bila’ Ashdla’ii has been tied to the aboriginal landscape through our oral ceremonial histories. As such, we are entrusted with the collective responsibility by protect, preserve, and continue Navajo cultural heritage and traditions for future generations. As the Navajo Nation’s cultural heritage regulatory body, NNHHPD will consult with internal and external communities and provide guidance on Navajo fundamental laws, in addition to historic preservation and archaeological laws and policies to maintain in the integrity of Navajo traditions and culture.

On March 24, 1997, the Navajo Nation entered into an agreement with the National Park Service, US Department of the Interior for the assumption by the Navajo Nation of certain responsibilities pursuant to Section 101(d)(2) of the National Historic Preservation Act, 16USC § 470a et seq.. The Navajo Nation Heritage & Historic Preservation Department Director formally was recognized as the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) and assumed by this agreement, State Historic Preservation Officer functions for the Nation and tribal lands.

The department is directed by the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (Department Manager) who shall advise the President of the Navajo Nation, the Navajo Nation Council, the Divisions, Departments, Programs, Agencies, Authorities, Enterprises and any other instrumentalities of the Navajo Nation; the federal, state and local governments, private organizations and individuals on matters pertaining to cultural resource preservation to achieve the goals of NNCRMP-CMY-19-88 on Navajo lands, and on lands in which the Navajo people have historical interest. The overall function of the department is to regulate and ensure Navajo traditional concerns are addressed in undertakings as they pertain to project management, land-use planning, and cultural resource management.


Contact Information

Navajo Heritage & Historic Preservation Department
Navajo Boulevard, W008-247, Building 4
P.O. Box 4950
Window Rock, Arizona  86515
Phone:    928.871.7198/7139
Fax:       928.871.7886

Location Map

Copyright 2025 by Heritage & Historic Preservation Department
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